Balance It

Balance It

Balance It will be one of the most exciting new skill games. The game has riddles to solve and can also be played on mobile devices, so if any of them interest you, you should check it out right away!

Pick up the spinning wheels with ropes on them, or even the weights, to launch packages and people towards the finish line, and if they pass through it, you complete that level. Make certain that the goods, whatever they are, are hung in such a way that your object for that level is balanced, since if it is off-balance, it will either fall to its death or fail to reach the goal, and you will lose in both cases.

Each new level presents a new task that is tougher but also more entertaining than the one before it, so we invite you to begin right now, only here, and after that, we promise you even more amazing games. You can rely on us!

How To Play

Use the mouse.

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